A new website, a boxed set of books, and the beginning of an end

Dear Reader:

I'm late, I know, but I'm finally going to update my website so that it's fully responsive.

No, seriously. It's going to happen!

Stop laughing at me!

Actually, I have a wonderful webmaster who has been helping me update my various websites in different ways. One other website is responsive now (yay!) and the other … yeah, I'm not going to think about that until emprazeman.com is a fully-armed and operational battle station! Er, I mean, until emprazeman.com is working and all the elements are up.

Included on this new website will be a woocommerce store. Ooo, aren't we all fancy now! You'll all have to bear with me while I figure out how it all works, of course, but I will be selling boxed sets of my books, pictured at left. That's an actual image I took with my actual camera, that I then Photoshopped to make the background less distracting. How'd I do?  (^⨼^)

The boxed set I'm talking about aren't the ebook boxed sets that you're used to. This is a fully-armed and operational print book box set. The boxes are made by my amazing and talented friend who writes, makes wonderful bath and beauty products (I'm totally serious, she does it all) and has a DIY craftiness to her that thoroughly amazes me.

One day she was trying to explain to me how to put together a full-color sample booklet for one of my books. After listening, asking questions, asking her to repeat what she just said, and taking notes, I decided that if I'm going to do free print samples of my work I'm going to use tri-fold brochures. I can do maths but apparently I can't visualize what page goes where on a 4 page per printout double-sided copy where you chop it in half, fold the halves in half, staple and trim and have it all come out so that the pages are in order. Just can't. She said there's a program for it, but as soon as she explained how to place a document in that program to have it work out I knew I was doomed. Doomed!

Anyway, she of the amazing creative and visual-space-envisioning talented mind made these gorgeous boxes for the Lord Jester's Legacy box set (of which, as of this writing are not pictured on her website. I'm going to get on her about that because I know I'm not the only one who's ordered boxes from her.) Three mini-posters come with the books and the box (that funny clear plastic thingy between Masks and Confidante in the image is the protective cover for the posters), and everything except for the box is signed. The boxes are not up for sale yet (except at conventions and book shows), but they're put together and in my book cabinet. I love fondling them! They really are so very, very pretty.

Now for the sad news. Soon after emprazeman.com: the responsive edition is live, I'm going to stop blogging here. I know … Noooooooo! I don't like change either. But! what's here is here and will remain here, and my last post here will have a link that will send folks over to the website blog. I'm worried that I'm going to lose some of you in the move, but it really is necessary. Livejournal has been good to me, but it has some limitations that I've been fighting a while, and besides, this will give me the necessary motivation to update my website more often. Since I'll be signing in to blog, might as well update the home page, right?

The good news is that because it'll be my website, mine all mine, and my blog, mine all mine, I'll feel much more comfortable about doing things like posting excerpts of works in progress. I might even serialize some books there (in my copious spare time, of course.) Because, at the end of the day, I'm a writer. I love writing. There are some projects that are perfect for novels, and some are great series, and some are great short stories … and then there are those awkward jerks of stories that don't fit neatly in any category. Maybe it'll be a serial with 2,000 word installments that amount to a 25,000 word thingy (novella? novelette? the definitions vary depending on who you talk to) that would make an awkward print book at best even if I did decide to publish it. And as for ebooks, I don't want to disappoint anyone, since I usually write long (oh so long) and I don't want them to read it and go wah, is that it? Besides, I like sharing stuff with my readers. Seriously. I will not starve if I do that, and I'm so, so grateful to my readers. You're so awesome! I want to make you all happy. 

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