Author Biography

EM Prazeman lives in the Pacific Northwest on small acreage, where she tends to goats, chickens, and both ornamental and produce gardens. This sounds more picturesque than the reality, though the view on the property is splendid. Prazeman’s writing is influenced by Alexandre Dumas, JRR Tolkien, Johann Sebastian Bach, Sun Tzu, Hossam Ramzy, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Frank Herbert, Leonardo DaVinci, Ursula LeGuin, Mozart, Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Tristan Jones, David Bowie, Baldassare Castiglione, Hayao Miyazaki, Rembrandt, and many other writers, visual artists and musicians. “For me, writing, visual art and music are all mixed up. They’re the same activity. They’re just expressed in different mediums.” — E.M. Prazeman (2015)

EM Prazeman was born in Prague to Miroslav, an artist/engineer/musician, and his wife Helena, a nurse registered in two countries who specialized in geriatric care. Dinner conversations revolved around music, science, medicine, mathematics, art and athletics. Required to select an instrument to study at age nine, Prazeman chose the violin, but the instrument that she played with the most was the English language. Although raised in the United States, Prazeman’s Czech heritage tends to shed, like her hair, into everything she does.

Prazeman enjoys chess, art, music, classic martial arts including archery and karate, hiking and travel. Countries visited so far include Belize, Canada, Ireland, Greece, The Netherlands, and Czechoslovakia when it was still one country. She regularly attends science fiction and fantasy conventions in the Pacific Northwest, and sometimes farther abroad. She’s frequently an attending pro at Orycon in Portland, Oregon, and Radcon in Pasco, Washington.

Although she likes to keep up on the latest trends, she’s a bit of a throwback and enjoys having a penpal in England (exchanging real snail mail letters!), heating her house with a woodstove (I know, carbon footprint, ouch!) and mending socks rather than throwing them away. Although she’s no longer an active member, she still has ties with the Society of Creative Anachronism. She also loves exploring oddball arts like celestial navigation, working with stained glass, and tracking. She hopes to start taking a historical fencing class soon, and may end up owning a horse if she can ever get the horse side of the barn cleaned up and in decent shape.


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Published Work:

The Lord Jester’s Legacy

Masks (June 2013)

Confidante (October 2013)

Innocence & Silence (January 2014)

The Poisoned Past

Oubliette (July 2015)

Penumbra (Halloween 2016)

A Dark Radiance (TBA)

Short Stories

Travail (Asylum Anthology, 2015)

Pick and the Messenger (Anna the Piper’s Boosting the Signal blog, 2015)

More short stories will be coming out in 2017!


How Full Time Writing Gave Me a Rash

Wrapped in Human Clothing

The Writer’s Soundtrack