Sweet Friendship and the Promise of Spring

First, happy spring equinox! The time of year when I try to balance writing with the realities of country living is fast approaching. I've been setting my alarm to try to train myself to wake up earlier. The quantity of outdoor chores multiply rapidly as the weather warms. If I want to keep up daily writing, I have to get those chores done early. If I start too late, I work outside until dinner time or sometimes until dusk, and by then I'm in no state to write. But, if I get the chores done early, before my brain has really woken up, then I can call it quits by the afternoon (coincidentally the hottest part of the day) and spend the rest of the time in the nice, cool house writing up a storm. Assuming I have the strength to type.

One of these days I have to pick up a copy of Dragon for Mac, but not before I buy editing and cover services for the first book in my new series. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone. I have to finish A Dark Radiance, the last book in The Poisoned Past series first. The cover is a done deal, and it's gorgeous.)

Anyway, if you're all thinking that I lead a solitary life punctuated by the bleats of newborn or panicky animals and workouts with my delightful powerhouse of a husband, you're not too far wrong, except that I know quite a few authors and I'm friends with a fair number of them. I've been lucky to get to know AJ Downey recently, and we're going to have a fun author weekend here pretty soon.

We met at a few book selling events, and we decided that enough was enough of this … we wanted more time to talk and plot and plan (as authors do), so I went to visit her in Seattle. We had a thoroughly splendid day shopping around Pike Place Market, and we had a couple of really good meals there. And soon, soon now she'll come down to SW Washington to stay with me, so that we can brew up some goodies. Specifically, we're going to be making lip balms and solid perfumes.

What fresh madness is this, you're probably wondering. Well, it turns out that swag is a super-important thing in the romance and erotica book world. I sort of knew this. I love reading romances (though I'm super picky … suggest a good paranormal set in the regency period or earlier and I will send you a free short story if I love it) but I usually buy them after seeing them on FKBT or check them out from the library. Actually, my very favorite right now, Scandal, is being posted chapter by tortuous chapter by Navessa Williams. Where in the name of all that's yummy is Chapter Seven??!!! But I digress. Apparently this swag thing is super important at romance book signings. AJ makes high quality lip balms and solid perfumes and she's going to teach me how to make them too.

Now why would I, a historical fantasy author, want to make swag? Well, as those of you who've read my stuff know, things can get a bit steamy in the lives of my characters. And, a certain someone invited me to submit a story to a steamy sort of anthology. A few days ago I received confirmation that my story was accepted. So, I'll be promoting that book, along with my other books, and since I'll be promoting erotica, well … swag seems like a good idea.

Because it's one story in an anthology (although I may take it further later on,) I decided that I'm going to theme my lip balms and perfume solids after the scents and flavors of the Lord Jester's Legacy books. Hopefully they'll turn out splendid. If not, it won't be AJ's fault. I'm sure she'll keep me out of trouble, though.

These things aren't really meant to promote my books and stories. They're more of a thank you to readers for your support. Without readers, writers would be pretty pointless, so I'm extremely grateful for readers. If you happen to see me at an event and you've read any of my work, including this blog, please, come on over and ask for a lip balm or a solid perfume. I'll be more than happy to give you one.

Well, it's after midnight, and my alarm will be waking me up awfully early. So much for going to bed at a reasonable hour. Once again, happy equinox, everyone. May you have a beautiful spring.

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