The End is the Beginning

Any transition, regardless of whether it's labeled good or bad, is stressful. It's one of the reasons that our subconscious works so hard to sabotage things like weddings, promotions, and creative pursuits. Intellectually we understand that change might be bad, but it might also be good, and that if we never take risks, we'll never excel. Our subconscious doesn't give a crap about any of that. Our subconscious wants smooth sailing, and doesn't want us to lose, or win. As long as things stay the same – and it's worked so far because we're still breathing, right? – then things probably won't get worse than they are, and that's good enough for it.

I've turned in my notice, so screw you, subconscious. (Deep breaths. Deep breaths! But not too deep because you can hyperventilate even if you breathe slowly if you breathe deeply enough.)

January 1, 2016 will be my last day at my day job. January 2, 2016 will be my first day as a full time writer. Yes, it's scary, in case you're wondering, and yes I'm very excited. I just hope that I do in fact have wings, or that there's water underneath this cliff I've decided to jump off of.

It's a pretty big cliff. Maybe water won't help.

Anyway, to celebrate, and to welcome in the new year, I'll be hosting a series of guest posts. These won't be traditional interviews, and they won't be about the writing process, at least not directly. You'll get to take a peek into the fertile brains of people who ask questions like:
  Why do birds chirp?
  What does a banana leaf taste like?
  How does it feel to hit the water when you've jumped from a height of fifteen feet?
  How long does hair, once it's cut, keep its color?
Yes, writers are strange, but we've harnassed this strangeness to entertain readers, so it's not all bad. These guest posts promise to be entertaining, and interesting, and I hope to learn some stuff too.

Speaking of strange writers, I got mixed up with a bunch of them in an anthology. Asylum sold out at Orycon, where it had a fantastic release party. It was a big box of books, too. They even sold the editor's free copy. I barely got my hands on mine in time.

You can find it here.

I hope to get some of the Asylum authors to post a guest blog here and there as well.

I'll be posting more as well. In theory I'll have more time to devote to my blog, although in practice I've heard rumors that suggest that you end up even busier than you were before.

My subconscious is now officially terrified, faced with the idea that I'll be busier than I am now. (Deep breaths!)

Until next time, I wish you all peace, happiness, safe shelter, good food, and the best company.

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