The Poisoned Past: Tentative release dates!

There's a challenge going around on Facebook for authors to post seven sentences from their seventy seventh page. Sounds like fun to me! This probably won't be the 77th page on either the print or Kindle version of Oubliette, the first book in The Poisoned Past trilogy, but it'll be in the ballpark.

“And the music?”
Mark had to feign mild surprise rather than allow his sudden tension show. “I hadn’t intended to send that home. It’s for my own use.”
“I’d like to see it as well.”
Mark doubted he’d ever break the code, but he would determine it was one if he had an eye for ciphers. They might not send his letters if they thought he’d written something of it into Ellen’s lullaby.

And here are seven sentences from Penumbra, the second book in The Poisoned Past.

“The resemblence to Gutter is unmistakable. Or is Soren of the same stature, coloration … where is your husband, Burai? Do you even have one, or was that a lie?”
She thought of when she and Gutter last argued, and looked up at him, daring him to call her a liar twice, though she had in fact lied before, and often.
She’d born the Gelantyne mask, survived battles, killed. She would kill this man if she had to. Not here, not while his smile slipped from his eyes and he expected her to attack him.

With the covers potentially coming through this month (almost for certain, but this is art and there are a lot of variables) and with the first book in the hands of my first/advance readers and book 2 at about the 1/3 to halfway point, I'm tentatively going to pencil in the following release dates:

Oubliette: June 1
Penumbra: June 21
A Dark Radiance: July 15

That's a truly crazy release schedule, but slightly less crazy than it might initially seem. By the time the first book in the trilogy is released, all three books will be written. Perhaps not in final form, but they'll be written through to The End. So. There we are. I'm secretly hoping that I'll finish everything way ahead of schedule and have A Dark Radiance release on July 4. That would be really, really wonderful for a lot of reasons. But, I might need that extra ten days. We'll just have to see how everything turns out!

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